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Products > Port & Infrastructure

-  Integrated Port Management System
The primary function of a port authority is to provide high quality cargo, marine, and passenger handling services to its customers. The port authority can determine the success of the port by ensuring speedy convergence and seamless flow of information among different departments and agencies of the port. To support the port authority with its work, Applitech has developed an Integrated Port Management System.

  • This customizable system automates the port specific functional activities
  • Integrates the activities of different departments of the ports

The main objective of this integration is to make the following port operations faster and flexible, thus improving the quality of the services being offered to the customers.

Cargo Handling, Storage and Delivery
IPMS takes care of the export and import cargo movement by different modes of transportations. This is required to be on hand to speed up cargo clearance and cut the long waiting time for loading and unloading of ships. It therefore helps in avoiding port congestion and reduces the demurrage cost.

Vessel Berthing
One of the major tasks of the port authority is to bring the ships in quickly and safely and vice versa. For this, appropriate berth allotment and cargo movement is necessary, keeping in mind the berth availability, climatic conditions and the type of cargo. IPMS facilitates this berth management so as to ensure fast and safe port services.

Gate Regulation
The system supports the Gate Supervisor of the port to monitor and track the movement of every vehicle permitted to pass through the gates by the port authority.

Materials Management
For efficient regulation of port services, IPMS manages the inward and outward flow of materials. This improves the inventory control and increases safety of the cargo by proper inspection.

Estate Management
Usually all port authorities have vast expanses of land under their control. IPMS assists in appropriate allotment of this land and therefore ensure optimum utilization of the available resources.

Civil Engineering Information
The port authority should have the complete information of the big and small construction work being carried out at the port premises. This information includes details of the tenders, the lowest bidder and the financial and physical progress of the construction work. IPMS helps civil engineers maintain the required documents and also generates consolidated reports of the same.

Mechanical Engineering Information
From time to time, ports have to undertake huge amounts of repair and maintenance work owing to the nature of activities at the port. IPMS helps document the scheduling and the expenses on the repair works in different divisions like electric, mechanical and dry docks.

Financial Accounting
The system also prepares department wise as well as consolidated financial reports. These help in analyzing the port's overall performance as well as help identify potential cost cutting areas.

Personnel Management
The HR module in the IPMS maintains documents of employees' recruitment, payroll, training and other welfare activities. This helps in determining employee productivity levels and thus gives direction to the measures to be taken by the port authority to address their needs.



Enhanced port planning and operational activities
Efficient, fast, cost effective and secured services to customers
Ensured Online monitoring by the top management
Enhanced coordination among different departments and agencies of the port
Improved work environment at the port